Desert Thunder

👋🏽 My name is Owais and I’m a software engineer from Austin, TX.

Thanks for visiting my web site. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I tried very hard to keep my presence on the internet as private as possible without impacting my career, but here I am, in the year of our lord 2025, with a moniker that vaguely describes where my family comes from and my personality. And of course this gem, by a now legendary (and prolific) voice actor.


I’m currently working on two projects! My primary focus is a JavaScript language parser built with Gleam for the growing Gleam web development ecosystem. So far I’ve built a functioning lexer based on ES5 standard. You can read the docs here and check out the code here.

This website is a bit of a proof of concept for a simple static site generator I made for myself. It’s called documango 🥭. In the past year, I went from writing almost exclusively Python in my free time to, Golang. It’s been a great learning experience to leverage its simplicity to build easily accessible tools for myself. I like to read a lot and store a lot of notes in my zettlekasten, and want to continue to share my learning. The best way to do that in my mind is to have tooling that gets out of your way and lets you focus on writing. So here I just made a content/ file, and ran documango start and 💥. A website.